Saturday, August 28, 2010

School "music" lessons Begin!

Sam has decided to take "Trumpet" this year at school. He has never had a lick of music instruction, unfortunately, we are not musically blessed in this family! Perhaps Sam will change that. I didn't realize just how Loud a Trumpet could sound.....I'm off to buy some noise cancelling head phones....or at least ear plugs! At least he is enjoying school still....praise God for That!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Going to Middle School!

First Day of Middle School. First day of going to a school mom doesn't know any teacher. First day of riding a bus. First day of an entire new year. I couldn't wait for Sam to get home that first day and when I asked him how his first day of middle school was..he couldn't stop talking about all the Food Choices! That's all he talked about...they have french fries, corn dogs, cheeseburgers, ice cream, Izzi's and much much more. I better deposit another lunch check into his account soon!

I did get a few jewelry pieces made. I also taught another soldering class at the local Bead Shop on Saturday and that was fun! I also got to etch some metal with my much fun. There is so much to do and I now have to go back to work as. That's ok, I've got to pay for my "jewelry habit"!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

New Pieces

I had so much fun making these pieces. I work so much in metal work that simply stringing some beads felt like putting on an old glove! I also took a "herringbone" stitch class yesterday and really enjoyed it. I think I'll try making a bracelet and see if I enjoy bead weaving as much as stringing and silversmithing! Stay tuned!