Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas to All!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Koi Pond Finished
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Christmas is Coming!
I honestly can't believe it's December 5th. I had two open houses within a couple weeks and was so busy that Christmas just sort of slipped up. I haven't even begun to do any Christmas shopping yet. Have some ideas but better get them into action. Here's a picture of Sam being his silly self while decorating our Christmas tree. He is so much fun, I can't imagine Christmas without the excitement of a child and without the birth of Jesus!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Friday, November 5, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Party Time!
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Fall is Here!
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Decisions Decisions.............& Pendants!
I had a birthday Friday! No, I'm not telling my age! My girlfriends took me out to a really nice restaurant on the River and I had a great meal! Saturday morning I taught a resin class and as you can see from the pictures, I've got lots of cool resin pendants ready to be made into jewelry pieces.
Now, my decision. I can't decide between purchasing a new Canon Rebel TS1 or Canon Rebel TS2? I went out to Best Buy to purchase the Rebel TS1 and of course there was a professional photographer I was directed to and he told me how awesome the movie feature on the new TS2 was. Well, it was about $175 MORE than I wanted to spend and I just couldn't decide so I walked out WITHOUT a new camera. If anyone out there has one of these camera's I would love to hear from you. Do I REALLY need HD quality movies from my camera? Will it get cheaper closer to Christmas. I hate indecisiveness and I'm bombarded by it right now!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Bezels & Etching
I have been sooooo busy making bezels and etching. A couple of my friends that I teach jewelry making with came over Friday night and we had tons of stamps between us and we stamped and etched all evening. It was so much fun. Then I made some of these bezels on Sunday and soldered them together tonight. I placed my etched pieces in liver of sulfer and ran them through the tumbler and they came out so cool. I'll get a picture of them all etched and finished. I'm teaching an Ice Resin class this Saturday so I needed to get some samples together. I have been having so much fun.......but my house is a mess!!!! :)
Friday, September 3, 2010
Loving the Weather :)
We had some cooler weather blow in last night and the weather is so beautiful. Sam and I went walking the neighbor barefoot in the dark and it was so much sweating going on. I've got plans for camping tonight then back to making some jewelry....thinking about etching some more and making some Resin Pendants. I've got a class coming up in a couple of weeks and want to make lots of samples to show the students.
Hope you enjoy this 3 day weekend!
Saturday, August 28, 2010
School "music" lessons Begin!
Sam has decided to take "Trumpet" this year at school. He has never had a lick of music instruction, unfortunately, we are not musically blessed in this family! Perhaps Sam will change that. I didn't realize just how Loud a Trumpet could sound.....I'm off to buy some noise cancelling head phones....or at least ear plugs! At least he is enjoying school still....praise God for That!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Going to Middle School!
First Day of Middle School. First day of going to a school mom doesn't know any teacher. First day of riding a bus. First day of an entire new year. I couldn't wait for Sam to get home that first day and when I asked him how his first day of middle school was..he couldn't stop talking about all the Food Choices! That's all he talked about...they have french fries, corn dogs, cheeseburgers, ice cream, Izzi's and much much more. I better deposit another lunch check into his account soon!
I did get a few jewelry pieces made. I also taught another soldering class at the local Bead Shop on Saturday and that was fun! I also got to etch some metal with my much fun. There is so much to do and I now have to go back to work as. That's ok, I've got to pay for my "jewelry habit"!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
New Pieces
Friday, July 30, 2010
Resin Pendants
I've been on a "Making Resin Pendants" spree this week and it was loads of fun. Then I went to my dear friend Terry's and we played with Solder, Copper, Brass, Fire.....and almost burnt down her kitchen (we only burnt her cutting board actually). But we sure had fun! I think she wants to "play" at my house next time!
Monday, July 19, 2010
Saturday Teaching Class!
Taught all day Saturday at the Beadles and these students made some beautiful bracelets. We (my friend Terry and I) taught soldering, stamping metal, making jump rings and that gorgeous clasp! It was so much fun! If you live close to Broken Arrow, OK check out the classes at the Beadles....they are always teaching something fun in jewelry making!

Saturday, July 10, 2010
Day at the Zoo
My son standing in front of a centipede poster at the Oklahoma City Zoo!I'm glad that my job allows me to be home with my son during the summer! Although he wears me out, we do have a lot of fun together. I don't however, get much jewelry made! Plenty of time to make jewelry, he's growing up too fast so I'm going to enjoy these times he still likes to hang out with me! I know all too soon it won't be "cool" to hang with MOM so I'll take it while I can get it!
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Riverwalk Festival
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Where Has Time Gone?!
It's been a month since my last son is out of school for the summer and he is keeping me quite busy! I'm blessed that he's healthy and active and all BOY. We have 15 fish, 2 water frogs, 1 bull frog, 1 large turtle....all on our back deck since school has been out! He's taking a moment to pet the's nice to relax! More jewelry to come soon!
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Jewelry for Mayfest
Getting ready for Mayfest! Last year was my first year at the "Blue Dome" and this year it's split up and I'll actually be in the "Brady District". Come and see our booth, I'm sharing booths with some really amazing jewelry artists! It's so much fun to be there and there are so many talented artists locally that will be setting up their artwork! Should be another great time!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Spring is Here!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
How Do You Edit Your Photos?
I etched these pieces about a month ago and finally made them into necklaces. The longer one is to be wrapped around the neck twice! How do you edit your pictures before adding to the blog?? I have Photoshop Elements 8 and by the time I figure out how to use this photo editing program......I'll probably be done creating jewelry!!!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
New Necklace
Made a new necklace and several pair of earrings which I'll add in a couple days. I'm really trying to be better at updating this blog. Today, Easter, was a beautiful day. Besides celebrating Jesus, the weather here is perfect.. not too hot, a gentle breeze. I wish we had more days of this kind of weather!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Who Knew Mud Could Be So Fun!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Two Posts in One Week -- it's a miracle;)
Yes, there was a bead show in town and I ventured out into the cold and snowing weather....but it was worth it. Actually, I didn't find the big chunky gemstones I was looking for ..... but I found lots of pretty pearls to use and have already made a couple necklaces. Going to a bead show is like sending a candyholic into a candy store....oh, does that make me a "Beadaholic"?
Thursday, March 18, 2010
I'm Still Here!
I know it's been a while....I just don't know where the time goes. This week has been Spring Break so we drove to Illinois for Sam to visit his Grandparents... An only grandchild needs to visit their only living grandparents as often as possible!
But I'm back I'm ready to get beading/etching/ name it. Plus Saturday there is a bead show so can't wait to buy more beads (yeh, I really need more). I have been enjoying etching some metal. Made a few mistakes but hope to finish the bottle of etchant from Radio Shack and etch some more...that stuff can not be good to enhale and it's been so chilly out I etched in my garage...not enough ventilation!!! I promise to be better with my blog....I'll post weekely if not bi-weekly!
Saturday, February 20, 2010
New Metals!
I am so excited. I cut out some houses from copper and some hearts from brass. I then picked up some metals like frames and numbers I found at Michaels in the scrapbook section. I want to rivet that label holder onto some copper.....past that....I don't know! You'll have to wait and see. I haven't made anything lately...I seem to be in "jewelers block" or "creative block" mode. I spend way too much time on the internet seeing what others are creating and very little time actually making anything myself. Hopefully...that will change!
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