Friday, July 31, 2009

Here are some charms that I made during my vacation. I've really been wanting to master the art of making a tree with branches, grass and a bird. And while I was at my parents I found some tools in my dad's tool box and I think I've got a couple of pretty good trees with branches. Notice the bird(s) on them, I've been wanting to use this new stamp forever!
I went to the Beadles (our local bead shop) today and signed up to teach a few classes for August and September. I'm going to teach a class on making charms, forging silver into earrings, and riveting a pendant! I hope to see some of my local friends there! You know who you are!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

SUMMER IS FLYING . . . . . .

Wow, my summer is flying by! Sam and I visited my family in Illinois and the weather was perfect, low 80's every day we were there (compared to 107 in Oklahoma).

I have this favorite gift store I shop during every visit and they had two of these awesome necklace stands for sale. It's a metal copper and it looks really organic. I've got some ideas in my head I'm anxious to make into jewelry necklaces so I'll have some pictures soon. Also I have new stamped copper charms I'll get posted on here tomorrow! So much to do, so little time!
It's good to be back to my blog and my beads!!!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

I Love The Ocean!

It's so great to go on a vacation! We had sooo much fun and my son is still partically waterlogged. Once he got into the ocean...he never got back out! And I read a book, under a large umbrella while listening to the roars of the was paradise!
I actually made this necklace "before" vacation but didn't have time to post it. It's a butterfly wrapped in copper wire that hangs on a beaded necklace! I'm in the process of making a couple new items before Sam and I leave for Illinois Friday to visit his grandparents and aunts.